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Sleep medicine tests

Wednesday 25 July 2007

All the versions of this article: [English] [français] [français] [svenska]

Do you know what kind of sleeper you are ?
The way to sleep is specific to each individual. It is a characteristic that is programmed by the brain and set genetically.

- Do you know how many hours of sleep you need to be in a good shape ?
- Do you know at what time, and why, you fall asleep, at what rythm your alternations of slow wave sleep and REM sleep take place, why you want to have a nap in the start of the afternoon ?

- Would you be able to say what is your chronobiological rythm : morning person? Evening person?

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Few people can answer these questions although they are simple and concern one of the most precious balances in our lives.
These tests help to find out about the characteristics of your sleep and to guide the care of its possible disorders.
They do not replace a medical consultation which, alone, can tell about the reliability and the predictive value of the results Read the ethical code

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The system works fine with Flash Player 9)


1° The online tests of sleep typology
- Are you "flexible or rigid" ?
a. Test your Sleep Chronotype (smg°) :

Test the characteristics of your sleep

(Online test by French )

b. Morning/evening test (smg°) : are you a lark or an owl ? Morning/evening test
(Online test)
2° Questionnaires to download and discuss in consultation :
a. Sleep/wake diary (smg°):
The grid that allows to observe the events related to sleep. It is used to establish a diagnosis and to measure the progress that have been made. See the article "Sleep-wake diary", for the instructions of use :
The main codes to know in order to simplify the collection of your observations.

Clic on the link to download a sleep-wake diary.

Instructions for the sleep/wake diary

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Agenda Veille-Sommeil

"Tiredness or sleepiness"

c. Epworth scale :
to estimate (with a well validated tool) your level of sleepiness during the day.
A score higher than 12 reveals an excessive sleepiness.
(Stanfort University)
"How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations, in contrast to feeling just tired? "
d. Pichot tiredness scale :
"Tiredness" is a very common complaint. It is a feeling that is distinct from sleepiness. That scale intends to measure the importance of tiredness.
Pichot tiredness scale
New pdf English format (thank’s Corinne).
3° Several psychological tests that are useful in consultation :
a. Stroop color word test :
A quick test for the estimation of vigilance and attention.
It shows an increase of the execution time in a situation where the subject must inhibit a prevalent behavior.

How many lines will it take to acquire the good reflex ? (A well concentrated subject is quickly able to read fast at least 4 lines without making any mistakes).
The "sleepy" or "tired" subject understands sometimes the test very well (but doesn’t manage easily).
b. The "five words" test :
there exists a memory disorder if only one word is forgotten.
Lack of attention due to tiredness or specialized opinion?... Talk to your doctor.
c. Hamilton anxiety scale:
The generally admitted baseline for a significant anxiety is above 20.
"Better is the enemy of good", too much stress harms performance. Talk about it to your doctor.

HAMILTON ANXIETY RATING SCALE (HAM-A) ( From our point of view, the Hamilton scale is slightly overestimated because of the presence of numerous items with rather concern tiredness than anxiety in itself.
d. Beck depression inventory :
Online test on the befriended website of the "Neurobranchés" .
If you think you are going through a depressive episode...Talk to your doctor.
Presently, the Beck Depression Inventory test can be consulted (interactively) on the website of the "Neurobranchés" (

Smg° offers an interactive test for the screening of sleep disorders : "clic on the items for which you feel concerned" ... , ... "your answers are, on this test, compatible with the following problem(s) ... you should discuss these questions with your doctor".

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